Monday, 7 June 2021

Front seat belts

 Another step in the right direction.

Last week I ordered the new front seat belts and decided on black as the colour as that's what the car had from factory.

I ordered the belts from Hemco in Ballarat and are basically the same as XA / XB / XC hard top Falcons.

Here is the spec sheet.

Here is the belt with the inertia real before install. The 250mm long drop link is part of the belt.

Here is the belt and the centre stalks installed.

I'm currently waiting on Hemco to get back to me re the back seat belts to see if they have a belt on an inertia real that I can unhook from the top sash mount so I can fold it out of the way when not in use due to the fold down rear seat.
Here is a picture of a black interior car showing where I need to mount the sash belt.

Here is the back of the car showing the seat belt mounts with the rear trim removed.
Here is a picture of the rear seat folded down.
As can be seen, Once I mount the sash part of the belt it will be seen and in the way when the rear seat is folded down. The bolt for the sash will go in the side panel just below the window is there is a inner metal part of the body that I can bolt it into.

Will continue to work with Hemco and the VASS Engineer to see what solution I can come up with.


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