Saturday, 12 June 2021

Trans extension housing seal

 Another job ticked on the roadworthy list.

This Queens birthday long weekend and due to Melbourne Covid19 Lockdown V4.0, it was time to tick another box on the list of jobs for the roadworthy. Fortunately the list is getting shorter and shorter.

The 1st job of the day was to replace the rear or output shaft auto transmission extension housing seal.

The one in the car has a slight leak per the picture.

Getting the old seal out was relatively simple. I was warned that once the seal was removed the auto trans may leak out of the gearbox, so I place the car on our slightly angled driveway nose down and then jacked up the back of the car so that this limited the possibility of auto trans fluid leaking from the back of the gearbox.

Fortunately, none came out once the old seal had been removed.

I made up a new seal insertion tool by drilling a hole in a lump of timber so that it would clear the output shaft on the gearbox and still leave timber so that it would make contact with the new seal. The new seal is a press fit but needed some persuasion.

Here is the highly technical tool, aka lump of wood with a hole cut in it.
After a bit of messing around and a few tries, the seal went in relatively easily. I then reinstalled the tail shaft and all was done.

The next task was to replace the engine oil as I did not know how old the oil was in the car.
The 1st step was to add engine oil flush to the motor in order to clean out the deposits in the engine.

I ran the engine for about 15 min to warm up the oil and enable the Nulon oil flush to do its job.
Then I removed the old oil and filter and installed some new Penrite HPR30.

This completed another job to ensure that all oils have been refreshed.

The next job on the list is to get the vacuum lines in the right places and the timing right.
As the car has Califonia emissions on it, Im keen to keep it standard, but need to check to make sure all is working correctly.

Im fairly sure that the cold start vacuum retard is not working as when the car is warm it does not shut off. So for now I have bypassed it. I also think that the electronic switch that enables vacuum advance from the carby is also not working, so have bypassed that also. 
Then with a timing light it seems that with the vacuum from the carby it is advancing too far, so need to adjust the distributor. Unfortunately, the distributor seems to be stuck or rusted in place and I cant seem to move it. I have added some WD-40 and let it sit over night and will come back to it tomorrow.

More to follow..


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