Saturday, 2 October 2021

Replace basic warning light part of dash with tacho

 Tachometer install.

A few months ago I discovered a guy in the US who can upgrade the original "idiot" light part of the standard dash in my mustang with a tacho and retain the warning lights around the outside of the tacho.

Here is the web page

The process involves sending a "core" to him that is the base part of the dash and he then upgrades it. As sending my core would render the car unusable for some months plus the cost of postage, I thought this was not feasible. I found a wrecker in the US that could supply a good core and send it directly to the guy that does the upgrades in the US.

After about 6 weeks the new tacho core arrived.

This is what that base dash set up looks like. Commonly called idiot lights.

The install was fairly simple. I removed the dash cluster, replaced the core and reinstalled. As I already had a small tachometer working in the small gauge cluster under the heater controls along with the water temp and oil pressure, the wiring was also simple.

Here is the completed install.

I'm happy to report that it works like a treat..

Next job, front spoiler.

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