Saturday, 10 July 2021

Rear seatbelt install

 More work completed

After a week away over school holidays with Michelle and Lily, I was able to get back to working on the Mustang. The task for today was to complete the rear seat belt install.

I had been thinking about trying to repair the rear plastics as they are chipped and brittle. 
I managed to get the local Autobarn to do a colour match for the paint but then decided that it was not a simple task and will probably require fibre glass work and a whole lot of messing around. So I stopped short and decided to just reinstall them as they are. My plan is to see if I can source a better set from a wrecker in the US.

Once I decided not to try and repair the back plastics I set to completing the install.

A few weeks ago I had installed the rear eye bolts for the removable section of the belts but was not happy with the way the bolts pulled in the rear sail panel. After a trip to Bunnings I decided that a simple steel collar  / pipe to hold the eye bolt out further would be the best bet. My preference is to source a longer eye bolt as it still pulls in the panel a little, but, the thread on the eye bolt is not the same as those that can be purchased from Bunnings or ebay, so I gave up on that idea also.

Here are a few progress pictures.

Fortunately, there is a hole in the inner rear quarter panel already pressed into the metal, so I did not need to drill a hole and the access to the bac to install the metal plate was simple also.

Here is the eye bolt a plate that needs to be installed.

Here is the plate installed with some small self tapper metal screws installed to hold it in place.

Here is the eye bot installed

I then painted the eye bolt the same colour as the trim so it blended in.

As can be seen, the plastic trim is cracked and broken in places.

I also painted a bunch of screws with wide heads and used them to hold the plastic trim in place. The original ones are small and were just pulling through.

Here is the belt installed

When not in use I push then back down into the cavity behind the plastics and just roll up the remaining buckle section.

As can be seen, the plastics are fairly marked and being ginger it stands out.

The next task is a front end alignment and then off to Ferndale exhausts for a new exhaust system.

Here is the settings needed for the front end

I have a new set of exhaust hangers from Just Mustangs. However, they attach to special mounts on the mufflers and I doubt Chris will have these types of mufflers. Here are a few pictures I have found where people have used the original OEM brackets and adapted them to fit.

Only exhaust and rust in the rear quarters to be completed before I go for the VASS and roadworthy cert.

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