Friday, 24 March 2023

All Ford Day

 Another day, Another car show.

All ford Day held on the 19th of March 2023 at eastern park Geelong.

Apparently it was their biggest ever with over 1500 cars and 7,000 spectators.

Certainly was heaps of cars there on a nice cool day.

Only 2 71 to 73's in attendance.

Did not take may pics but here are a few.

The XW is a genuine Phase 1.

Friday, 17 March 2023

Phillip Island Historics

 A weekend away.

The Phillip Island historics was on last weekend and the Mustang Club had some spare tickets. Also, Nev was running his Escort in the Group C & A series.

Michelle and I decided to make a 2 day weekend of it after Lily Soccer game on Saturday as the Monday was Labour day holiday.

Here are a few pics at the Island and then some pics of the Mustang on the way home.

Spotted this nice looking XW replica in Yaragon on the way home.


Deluxe Steering Wheel

  A slight upgrade. Ever since I picked up the mustang, I have wanted to upgrade the steering wheel from the standard wheel to the deluxe wh...