Mustang Club Run
In August the Mustang club arranged a run to the Winton Historics.
It was a 2 day event, however the forecast weather for Saturday was fairly poor.
I decided I would just go for the day on Sunday.
The run up was fairly uneventful if you dont count the fact that I broke the hand brake / emergency brake cable when I pulled up for fuel at Bunker hill. A quick repair / tie up the lose ends under the car job was done and I was on my way.
I arrived at around 9:30 and parked up with the rest of the club cars. Only a fairly small contingent was there but nice to meet new faces all the same. As I expected mine was the only 71-73 amongst mostly new / modern mustangs.
We got to do a number of parade laps of the circuit.
Here are a few pics.
I have some video of the day that I will upload and share at some point.