Sunday, 14 November 2021

Drum to disk brake conversion

Time for better stopping power

The Mach 1 came from the factory with non power assist drum brakes. While they work fine, the non power assist is a little unnerving.

While there are complete kits to convert the car from drum to disk, most kits did not have the 71-73 style booster. So I opted to buy just the correct style booster and source spindles locally from a 1986 XF Falcon. The XF Falcon has aluminium Girlock single piston callipers.

Here are the second hand callipers before I sand blasted them and painted the callipers with clear and the spindles with black paint.

Here are the callipers and spindles after being reconditioned.

I then purchased new upper and lower control arms and installed those along with the new disk front end.
First here is the old set up.

Then in with the new

I found that the XF Falcon, and all other brake lines were too short to reach from the back of the spindle to the front where the standard brake lines were installed. So I used the factory brake line bracket and turned it around and bent the brake line to meet the new rubber brake line.

Then it was time to install the new booster and master cylinder.
The next problem found is that the brake pedal mounting point for the booster rod is different to the one with no booster. So I'm currently sourcing a new pedal or will get the local engineering place to add a pin to the right location.

Once I source a new pedal or modify the current one, then the last step is to bleed the brakes and get the front end alignment done again.


Deluxe Steering Wheel

  A slight upgrade. Ever since I picked up the mustang, I have wanted to upgrade the steering wheel from the standard wheel to the deluxe wh...